Managed Training Services

Managed Training Services & Solutions

Eliminates the need for learning management and tedious back-office monitoring - allowing you to focus on training goals such as employee retention, upskilling and team optimization.

Addresses your individual training needs, driven by project demands, certification requirements or career goals.

Immediate access to more than 300 course titles, including practice areas such as IT Tech, Project Management, Leadership, Business Intelligence, Personal Development and more.

Gives you access to a global learning eco-system of best-in-class, live online, e-learning and a comprehensive range of blended learning solutions.

Delivers complete workforce optimization with a solutions model that identifies your talent pool, skill requirements, and develops a learning strategy aligned with business needs.

Select from a suite of managed services designed to give you cost efficiency and scalability throughout your learning life cycle.

The Learning Tree Advantage

We do the heavy lifting while you focus on retaining, retraining and optimising your workforce.

Trusted MTS Partner
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Global MTS Support

Are you new to managed training services? Is your current MTS contract up for renewal?

Let our team of experts build a tailored learning solution to help you get the most out of your L & D.

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